Monday, June 28, 2010

The Strongest Green Tea in the World

"We start with the most potent organic green tea," explains Judah Sanders, co-founder and CEO of Dragon Pearl Tea. "We use fresh whole leaves from the Fujian Mountains, and we brew it into a concentrate so powerful you couldn't drink it straight up."

The highly-concentrated tea is mixed with Concord grape, pomegranate, blueberry and acai berry juices for a flavorful, powerful green tea shot.

The result? "It makes you feel great," says Sanders. "Instead of using mood-altering chemicals that can cause long-term damage to your system, you can drink a delicious super green tea shot and get a healthy dose of natural antioxidants for your body."

"Humans have been drinking tea to feel revived for thousands of years," added tea maker and co-founder Dave Dahl... (Read the full press release).

More about powerful Mao Feng Green Tea

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Dragon Pearl Tea and OPTIONS

What does Options do? Provide positive choices for people with developmental disabilities so they can work with us in the community, earn money, and lead a life that's social and meaningful. We support them, and we hope you will too.

(We ship UPS Ground because it seems much more ecological than air-shipping. Jets use so much fuel that it's not a good trade-off. Less expensive for customers than air-shipping, too.)

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now You Can Follow Dragon Pearl Tea on Twitter

We'll be offering tea research updates, tea quotes, tea events, and tea and health news on Twitter. Updates will be made daily for your edification and enjoyment... follow us!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why Steep Tea at Lower Temperatures?

Most tea experts agree that boiling water is too hot for tea. Theoretically, there's an ideal and precise temperature that each variety of tea should be brewed at.

Black tea, which is fully oxidized, is most forgiving with hot water and is not usually affected as much as green, jasmine, oolong and white teas.

For oolong tea, we usually recommend about 180 degrees, and for green, jasmine and white teas, maybe closer to 170.

But don't worry too much about it. Far more important is having fresh tea that's been kept airtight. Tea will steep at any temperature, but hotter water infuses faster. If you steep at 170 or 190, it's probably fine.

We recommend electric boiling pots. You can either boil the water and then add a little cold water, or catch it as it makes noise but before it boils.

If you have to use the microwave to heat your water, heat the water and then pour it over the tea leaves... it's best not to put the tea leaves in the microwave because the process is to pour hot water over the leaves. Steeping cups are the perfect way to do that.

The main idea is that perfect tea flavor changes when too hot for too long, because it cooks and loses the fresh, raw aftertaste.

Learn more about green tea at

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Organic Tea and Health News Through Your Medium

New ways to follow tea industry and Dragon Pearl news: now you can follow us on Twitter for daily updates, as well as a brand new Facebook page (become a fan here).

Watch here for messages about new teas coming in, new harvests and new products, and breakthroughs in tea and cancer research.

New videos will be posted on YouTube, and photos and cool Dragon Pearl Tea photo puzzles on NatGeo.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Making Dragon Pearl's Super Natural Tea Shots

New 2-Ounce Green Tea Shots Are Extremely Powerful

We spent the last few days producing the very first Super Natural Energy tea shots... possibly the strongest liquid tea extract ever made.

Super Natural tea shots are made using potent organic green tea called Mao Feng ("fur tip"), the most powerful green tea we have ever tested. We decided to brew the tea with as many leaves as can possibly fit while being covered with hot water!
Judah and Scott watch the tea infusion carefully.
After being mixed with superjuices, the tea shots are flash-pasteurized
and slightly pressurized for freshness, then filled into baby wine bottles.
Circular labels are dropped onto the bottles, then hot air shrinks them tightly onto the surface.
A quality control technician examines the finished bottles.
Dozens of special Q/A procedures ensure the purity and packaging of the tea shots.
A machine grabs twelve bottles and drops them into the case box.
The final 12-pack boxes are inspected and closed. Ready to ship!

(More about Super Natural tea shots)

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